The Insider

Stop the insanity

In 2015, the publishing industry had been living in “interesting times” for well over a decade, desperately seeking the magic elixir that would heal the wounds inflicted by the daggers of digital disruption.

Having been at the forefront of digital publishing since 2003, PressReader had witnessed the struggles of thousands of newspaper and magazine publishers as they tried to profitably transition their revenue streams and content from print to digital.

This inaugural issue of The Insider was the beginning of ongoing efforts to help join the dialogue and help address the challenges of an industry where the only constant was, and still is, change.

Read about:
    • Making dollars and sense of millennials
    • Big Data drives crowd-curated frictionless content
    • Stop the insanity: Publishers must innovate to connect with their readers
    • Greenpeace and Jane Fonda team up
    • It’s time for publishing to disrupt itself
    • Content distribution without borders
    • To app or not to app
    • Future Publishing: all-you-can-read magazine is a win-win for publishers and readers

Download The Insider #1: Stop the insanity