The Insider

They came in like a wrecking ball

Disruption has always been a double-edged sword of opportunity and challenge. By 2016, digital technology had fundamentally changed business, distribution, and monetization models in publishing – changes that instilled fear, uncertainty, and doubt in many about mainstream media’s future.

Yet, at the same time, globalization brought enormous opportunities to diversify, embrace new business models, and reach new readers far beyond traditional distribution channels and borders.

In this issue of The Insider, we explored the opportunities for publishing not just to survive but thrive in the Connection and Sharing Economies by capitalizing on the three pillars of monetization.  We also explored what other industries (hospitality and travel) were doing to weather the storms of the digital and mobile revolution and harness them to grow profits through loyalty.

Read about:
    • 3 pillars of monetization
    • Facebook swallowed journalism
    • Opinion: Norman Kelly, Toronto City Councillor
    • Content distribution revolution
    • Has streaming media killed TV, by Matthew Santoro
    • Loyalty must be reciprocal
    • Capitalizing on disruption
    • Let’s fix advertising
    • Opinion: Stop murdering journalists

Download The Insider #3: They came in like a wrecking ball