The Insider


Two years ago we wrote that 2016 should be “The Year of the Person”, believing every business must put the person at the top of their agenda. In this issue, we focus on forging an even deeper relationship with them through engagement.

Engagement isn’t a thing, an act, an event, or a social media account for one-way conversations.  It’s a living, breathing experience, like a dance; it takes two to tango.

Forbes’s 50 most engaged companies in the world are experts in engagement. They connect with people personally, cultivate trust with them, and build a foundation upon which they can interact with them at an even deeper level.  Now it’s our turn.

This issue looks at engagement through interviews with experts and technologies that can help foster engagement such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, messaging apps, chatbots, and smart data.

Read about:
    • The long and short of quality journalism
    • Do demographics matter in media?
    • The role of media in K-12 literacy and civics education in America
    • The value User-Generated Content in mainstream media
    • An interview with Bruce Newman – winning team leader
    • Interview with Jennifer McGuire, General Manager and Editor-in-Chief, CBC News
    • Open letter to The Honourable Melanie Joly, P.C., M.P., Minister of Canadian Heritage
    • Saving local media, one entrepreneur at a time
    • Are digital editions dead?
    • Can messaging apps solve the content discovery crisis?
    • Machine Learning in the Attention Economy

Download The Insider #7: Engagement