DMCA Notice

DMCA notice may only be made by the copyright holder of the published work. All other content removal requests should follow the process described here.

Please complete the following form in order to request take-down of information from PressReader. Doing so will ensure your request is compliant with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). PressReader will remove content in accordance with the DMCA if properly notified that the content infringes a third party’s copyright. Repeat copyright infringers may have their PressReader accounts terminated.


Please note:

  1. You may be subject to liability if you knowingly make a material misrepresentation that activity is infringing.
  2. We may provide any information you submit in this form to third parties, including The Lumen Database.
  3. You can also submit your claim via email to the attention of our designated DMCA agent, Nikolay Malyarov.

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