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Four reasons our partners choose PressReader as their digital content platform of choice.
Content for every interest
Give them access to over 7,000 digital newspapers, magazines and books in 60+ languages, all in their original format.
The best experience for all readers
Make it easier than ever for them to get the content they want on an intuitive and user-friendly platform.
All the headlines, none of the paper
Escape the daily grind of sourcing, distributing and recycling print publications.
Hassle-free adoption for every team
Our platform is easy to set up and maintain, and gives you real-time insights into what people are reading, so you and your team can focus on what you do best.
Loved by readers all around the world
Such a fantastic resource
Terrific app, great UX and I appreciate its wide range of content
Superb catalogue
Saves my luggage space
It makes a traveler’s life easier
I can read my morning paper, plus the magazines
Reliable access to world-wide media content.
Vast array of magazines and newspapers from around the world.
I get French, German, Spanish, and Arabic newspapers
Just two clicks away from reading your favorite newspaper.
It makes a traveler’s life easier
It’s opened my world to what’s going on locally and internationally
Even when you are overseas you can access your home newspapers and magazines
A lifesaver of entertainment.
I just love waking up in the morning and reading national newspapers
I can't imagine being without.
Tailored to your industry
We work with libraries, hotels, airlines, lounges, cruises, ferries and many other businesses and organizations to bring the world’s top stories to readers everywhere.
Tailored to your industry
We work with libraries, hotels, airlines, lounges, cruises, ferries and many other businesses and organizations to bring the world’s top stories to readers everywhere.
Explore how our partners use PressReader
Ritz-Carlton Montreal
Find out how PressReader saved the Ritz Carlton Montreal team up to 7 hours per week in administration and distribution time.
Public library
Edinburgh Libraries
Find out how PressReader outperformed the competition, delivering 8X more downloads than all other e-platforms combined.
K-12 library
Latymer Upper School
Find out how Latymer Upper School expanded access to over 8,000 newspapers and magazines with 15% cost savings.
Explore how our partners use PressReader
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